Background notes on "30 Days To Oblivion"
"30 Days to Survival" was the TV special on NOLS aired in the 1970's that gave the school its first taste of media attention and enrollment jumps. I called this piece - essentially a handbook for first time Course Leaders - "30 Days To Oblivion" because the responsibilities of the course feel so heavy sometimes that oblivion is all you want to immerse yourself in when you get back. "30 Days to Oblivion" is all about the procedures for Course Leading at the "Rocky Mountain" branch in 1991. The impetus for writing this was that the process of putting together a course during the 2 days one was on contract before the students arrived was so complex that it seemed to need a Guide. This is my summary of the priorities of these 2 days in a boiled down, bare essentials, no-time-to-be-tactful style. The style is what makes it entertaining, since now (in 1999) it is essentially an historical document. I gave this Guide to the Rocky Mountain Branch to use if they wanted. They declined. I think my observations such as " lead when your PL's and I's aren't sure what to do" or " This is the price we pay for being completely in control when we are in the field" were a little too realistic for them. |