Data layer: Oregon Country polygon

A few caveats before we get to the download links:

  • One commonly sees 54° 40' north used as the northern limit of Oregon Country, However, this was a specifically American perspective, resulting from the 1824 treaty with Russia in which the U.S. agreed to make no establishments on the coast north of 54° 40'. To the British this line had no meaning. We felt it was more accurate to set a northern limit to the Oregon Country based on that of the Hudson Bay Company's New Caledonia district. As a result, Oregon Country in this data set extends north to the Nass and Finlay Rivers.
  • This layer includes all of the islands off the coast of Oregon Country. If you need a polygon for the mainland only it should be a simple matter to select the single mainland polygon and delete the rest.
  • The projection of the layer is geographic (lat/long), datum WGS84.
  • The layer was made for display at 1:8,000,000, and is really valid for display only at scales smaller than 1:500,000. Zoom in further than that (to say 1:100,000 or 1:50,000), and it will not be accurate! (In Google Earth, a rough equivalent to 1:500,000 is an eye altitude of 150 km.)
  • This data is realeased under a Creative Commons 3.0 unported license

Download shapefile, zipped (4 KB)

Download KML file (29 KB)